Ultimate Platinum Package Gold ‘Healthy Home’ V.I.P Maintenance Plan Rental/ Budget Cleaning Package
Truck Mounted Steam Cleaning w/ Rotovac 360i X X X
Complete Pre-inspection X X X
FREE ‘Bottomless’ Spot Remover X X
Free bottle of spot remover X
Move Most Furniture X X
Move small furniture X
Pre-vacuuming w/ Aerus Lux Commercial Vacuum X X X
Pet Deodorizer/ Dust Mite Anti-Allergen Treatment X
Heavy Traffic Lane Pre-Spray X X X
All Post-Spotting Treatments X X X
Wipe Clean Baseboards X X
Final Grooming X X X
Protective Pads for Furniture Legs X X
Green Guard Carpet Protector X X
Post Inspection to Ensure Satisfaction X X
Speed Drying X
20%OFF any additional services X
30 Day Stay Clean Guarantee X X
FREE ‘Healthy Home News-letter’ X X X
FREE Reminder Service X X
Warranty Claim Assistance X X
V.I.P Status Enrollment X X
3rd Year Cleaned FREE X
4th Year Cleaned FREE X
5th Year Cleaned FREE X
FREE 6 Month Cleaning X X
½ Price 6 Mo. Cleaning X